Top 5 Games to Play with Your Dog Using The KLIMB and Propel Air Platform

Sep 4, 2024

     Looking for new ways to engage your dog? The KLIMB and Propel Air Platforms are perfect tools for interactive play. These platforms not only enhance your dog's physical abilities but also strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. Here are our top 5 games:

  1. Fetch with a Twist

Incorporate the KLIMB and/or Propel into your fetch game for added fun. Throw a toy or ball and have your dog retrieve it, but add a twist by placing the toy on top of a platform. This encourages your dog to think and problem-solve as they figure out how to retrieve the toy from the elevated surface.

Klimb Platform

2. Conditioning and Flexibility

Use the KLIMB and Propel Air Platforms to engage your dog's core muscles. Start by having your dog stand with their front paws on the platform while their back paws remain on the ground. Gradually encourage them to place all four paws on the platform, which requires balance and stability. For a more advanced exercise, have your dog stand on more than one platform, which creates and unstable surface, making them engage their core even more. This game is perfect for improving your dog's strength and overall conditioning.

Air Propel

3. Agility Drills

Set up an obstacle course using the KLIMB and Propel Air Platforms. Encourage your dog to jump over, weave through and climb on the platforms. This not only provides physical exercise but also improves your dog's agility and confidence. Start with simple obstacles and gradually increase the complexity as your dog's skills improve.


4. Balance Exercises

Use the KLIMB to teach your dog balance and coordination. Place your dog on the platform and gently guide them to shift their weight and maintain their balance. For an added challenge, turn your KLIMB into a wobble board by placing two short legs on opposite corners or use both the platforms together. Both these games create an unstable surface, requiring your dog to engage their core muscles and improve their stability. 

Klimb and Propel

5. Platform Hopping

Set up multiple KLIMB and Propel Air Platforms at varying distances and heights. Encourage your dog to move from one platform to the next. This game enhances your coordination while providing a fun and engaging way to exercise. Start with platforms close together and gradually increase the distance as your dog gains confidence and skill.


These games are not only enjoyable but also beneficial for your dog's overall well-being. Incorporate these activities into your routine to keep your dog physically active, mentally stimulated and happily engaged.